I have found the cause of the credit bubble.
And it is Johnnie Walker.
Know this, Sirs and Madams, it pains me to even type these words, as I have been (and continue to be) quite the fan of the succulent syrup since my college days.
Know also, that I do not mean to imply (or do I?) that everyone on Wall Street has been drunk for the past 5 (+/-) years, although I'm sure some may inevitably claim such was the case.
Moving on.
Please, gents and ladies, if you haven't already seen it on TV yet, take a gander at this Johnnie Walker ad, (link fixed, thanks RT!) entitled "Keep Striding"
For those of you not paying attention to the text appearing over the powerful imagery, let me spell it out for you:
Keep Rising
Keep Building
Keep Climbing
Keep Exploring
Keep Uniting
Keep Innovating
Enjoy Johnnie Walker responsibly or (Ed: some such nonsense)
Sound familiar?
Cheers, and happy weekend!
The Cause of, and Solution to All of Life's Problems
I have found the cause of the credit bubble.
And it is Johnnie Walker.
Know this, Sirs and Madams, it pains me to even type these words, as I have been (and continue to be) quite the fan of the succulent syrup since my college days.
Know also, that I do not mean to imply (or do I?) that everyone on Wall Street has been drunk for the past 5 (+/-) years, although I'm sure some may inevitably claim such was the case.
Moving on.
Please, gents and ladies, if you haven't already seen it on TV yet, take a gander at this Johnnie Walker ad, (link fixed, thanks RT!) entitled "Keep Striding"
For those of you not paying attention to the text appearing over the powerful imagery, let me spell it out for you:
Keep Rising
Keep Building
Keep Climbing
Keep Exploring
Keep Uniting
Keep Innovating
Enjoy Johnnie Walker responsibly or (Ed: some such nonsense)
Sound familiar?
Cheers, and happy weekend!
Posted by Anal_yst on December 20, 2008 at 01:51 PM in Anal_yst, Beat this caption, Current Affairs, Food and Drink, Quotes and Commentary, Television, Wall St. Meltdown | Permalink | Comments (4) | TrackBack (0)
Tags: Drunk
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